31+ Cool Ways to Lace Shoes Creatively

Shoelaces can give your old converse or running shoes a new cool look in no time. You can tie your shoelaces in a regular boring pattern or thousands of other creative patterns. Time to break the monotony and get creative with shoelaces. Let’s explore the interesting ways to lace shoes and flaunt a trendy look with your shoes. There exists an infinite number of possibilities for shoe-lacing. Shoes can be laced for comfort, utility, trend or for fashion.
Collection of Different and Cool Ways to Lace Shoes
Cool Ways to Lace Shoes with Two Colors
This standard double up lacing looks very interesting when done in 2 colors. Use two colors of shoelaces to show off favorite team colors, or simply choose two colors you enjoy together based on your outfit.
How to Checkerboard Lace your Shoes
This Youtube video tutorial gives you step-by-step instructions on how to checkerboard lace your shoes. It also shows the difference between using fat and regular width laces. Give your Chuck Taylors a new interesting look!
How to Diamond Lace Shoes
Learn how to Diamond lace your shoes, very simple instruction in the tutorial for vans, converse, and other shoes.
How Zipper Lace Your Shoes
This lace style is called “Zipper Lacing” due to the zipper appearance of both strings continuously looping back on itself. A very easy method to sport a new trendy look with shoes lace!
The Hidden Knot Lacing Pattern
Bar Lacing (Hidden Knot Technique) is one of the many great ways of lacing to make sure your sneakers, shoes, or boots have a good appearance and suits your personality. Straight Bar Lacing represents itself bars above a shoe tongue and has formal look!
How to Lattice Lace Your Shoes
Give a unique and artistic look to your shoes this season! Although the picture shows the Lattice being used with flat laces, this works well with rounded laces as well.
How to Ladder Lace Your Shoes
Ladder lacing sometimes called Lydiard lacing, is worn generally on military boots by paratroopers and ceremonial guard units. The laces in this pattern weave horizontally and vertically, forming a secure “ladder” design!
Cool Ways to Lace Shoes with 5 Holes
Time to make a fashion statement and go out in style with lacing your Vans in your own amazing ways! An ideal method to lace up your shoes, converse etc with 5 holes!
Cool Ways to Lace Basketball Shoes
This amazing tutorial showcases 3 styles of tying of laces in some cool ways for your basketball shoes. All 3 lacing styles start with simple crossover lacing techniques.
How to do Criss Cross Lacing
This is the most common and popular lacing style which is easy for beginners as well! An apt choice for everyday wear because it is time-tested and easy to tighten.
Instructions to Sawtooth Lace Your Shoes
Follow these simple tutorial to customize your shoes with new a new look every day with new lacing techniques and designs!
Cool Ways to Lace Shoes High Top
Try this Uber-cool way to lace your shoes with new methods you never knew before.
How to Double Back Lace Your Shoes
Cool Ways to Lace Boat Shoes
Learn how to tie laces into a barrel knot for your Sperry Top-Sider’s.
Segmented Lacing Technique
A very funky and stylish way to tie shoelaces using 2 different colored laces!
Asterisk ShoeLace Pattern
Learn how to lace your shoe Asterisk type, very simple instruction for vans, converse and other shoes.
How to Star Lace Shoes
Learn how to tie this amazing 5 point star lacing pattern to your running shoes!
How to Tie a Heel Lock Lace Method
Double X Line Lacing Design
This tutorial shows you exactly how to tie laces in new patterns. The ideas are creative with step-by-step instructions.
How to Tie Riding Bow Lace
The Riding Bow is a tricky way to make your knot shoe up in the middle rather than at the top.
How to Do the Loop Back Lacing
How to Straight Lace your Shoes
Time to smarten up your lacing style! Straight lacing is very easy and effective. Extremely suited for formal shoes and boots, it will give a finishing touch to your look.
How to Lace Shoes in Different Ways – Spider Web Design
Hexagram Lacing Design for Your Shoes
Hexagram Lacing also referred to as Star of David Lacing. This is a cool decorative lacing technique forms a hexagram or six-pointed star. This lacing works best with thinner or flat laces because several eyelets have to accommodate two passes of shoelace.
Cool Starburst Shoe Lace Design
Train Track Lacing Method
Fun Ways to Lace Shoes
Creative Ways to Lace Converse Shoes
In this video tutorial try different lacing techniques and knot styles for your converse/canvas shoes. Whether you choose the checkerboard or the herringbone pattern, you’ll definitely have a unique look on your feet!
Interesting Ways to Lace Shoes
Ok, so now you have your “Double” style shoes. Time to start lacing up.
Ways to Lace Shoes without Tying
Sometimes you might want to wear your shoes without a big bow on top! Experiment with new lacing patterns for your sneakers!
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