Tips for Painting Wood like a Pro

Many individuals still argue that painting wood is a job for anyone. All you need is the perfect brush and paint, and you’re good to roll. However, it’s until they set on the task that they realize how complicated it can turn. A regular paint job can give your chair, for example, a fantastic look, and hence a lovely home. On many online platforms, you will find some painting ideas. However, only a few share tips on how to do the job like a pro.
Here are some tips that can upgrade your painting art from amateur to professional in no time.
1.Cover up the floor like a pro
Covering up the floor or surrounding furniture is a simple step, and that should never be ignored. It’s vital. However, many people find themselves either forgetting or doing it in the wrong manner. For example, many individuals tend to use an old newspaper or plastic sheeting to cover up the areas. At times this covering may work, but this doesn’t guarantee a perfect paint job.
The newspapers and the plastic sheeting can be slippery and thus mess your home. Besides, they may leak and hence allowing some paint through and therefore messing with your sweet house. Platforms such as Ideias decor always insist that the perfect material to do the covering is a canvas painter’s drop cloth or a contractor’s paper. But, you can also add some plastic sheeting below to prevent any leaks that may appear.
2. Clean the wood first
Many people assume that paint can help in covering up the stains and hence cleaning is not needed. However, you should know that cleaning the surface is essential and should never be ignored. The staining means that there is a coat of urethane or some finish, and which can mess with your final paintwork. It’s advisable to use tri-sodium phosphate to get the cleaning job done. Removing the stains ensures that the paint bonds well with wood grain. In other words, painting on a stained wood means that your paint job won’t last even a year.
3. Sand the wood
Once the TSP has dried up, the next step is sanding. It’s critical and should never be ignored. Many people argue that wood bought from the factory doesn’t require sanding, and that’s wrong. It’s not ready to paint. You should get the right sander from your workshop, the orbital sander, for example, and get the job done. However, if you don’t own one, you can always buy. It’s efficient since you’ll use it for the next time. Also, you can rent, and that’s in case you don’t do the sanding often.
Also, when sanding, it’s advisable to start with a fine grit of #150. However, #200 works perfectly. Remember, the idea behind sanding isn’t to strip the stain from the wood. Instead, the sanding provides the paint with something to grab. After that, clean the wood thoroughly to remove the dust from the surface. Avoid using the blower here since it redistributes the dirt back to the surface. Instead, you can use a shop vac, tack cloth or cloth rag rubbed with alcohol.
4. Prime the wood
Priming the wood is crucial. It’s a step that separates the talented painters from the rest in the crowd. The professional painters understand that a perfect painting job requires an even surface to enhance the bonding, and that can only be achieved through priming. In other words, priming helps in preventing the problem of flashing.
Flashing is when the final piece of work looks as if you used different sheens of paint. It makes the job look awful. Today, there are different types of primers in the market. So, you must check to ensure that you pick the right one. Luckily, the paint manufacturers have specific primer base, and which can help you get the paint job done using less paint. Remember, cheap is not always the best. So, don’t pick a cheap primer and expect great results.
5. Use the right brush
With all said and done, having the right tools is among the last steps that you should never forget. Without the right tools, all your effort and investment may all go into waste. First thing first, you should make sure that you have the right paint brush that will make the painting job easy and perfect. Some platforms insist that a Wooster 2-inch brush is the best because it can paint latex or oil.
Most of the brushes available in the market shed their bristles all over the wet paint and hence messing with the final job. Besides, for larger paint jobs, you should get a roller and a roller screen. The two makes the work less tiring while saving you some money because the screen forces the excess paint out of the roller and hence conserving the paint.
Painting is a task that gives a new life to the wood. Many assume that it’s a simple job and that can be done by anyone. However, it’s a job that requires some tricks as explained in the article to ensure perfection. The five tips can help you take your skills to the next level.
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