20+ DIY Ways to Make PVC Bird Feeder

We have explored in earlier posts how to make bird feeders from old wine bottles, milk jugs, pine cones and more. Now let’s see how to build interesting designs for bird feeders from PVC pipes.
DIYs on How to Make Bird Feeder Out of PVC Pipe
PVC Bird Feeder
The linked tutorial has made two similar bird feeders with different dimensions. They are shaped like a mailbox for a newspaper (horizontal pipe) and one which looks like a common birdhouse (vertical pipe with a small roof). Paint it with colors of your choice to add a spring touch to your garden.
Homemade PVC Pipe Bird Feeder
Now just find a tree branch to hang it on with some string and you’re set to feed some birds. You will need plastic dishes the support the PVC pipe from the top and bottom. The bottom one holds the birds feed.
DIY Hanging PVC Bird Feeder
You can make a small-sized feeder if you want. Selecting the right location for a feeder is critical to preventing unwanted animals (raccoons, squirrels, rodents) from accessing the food and damaging the feeder.
How to Make PVC Pipe Bird Feeder
Add some color and creative element in your garden/backyard with these cute little handmade birdfeeders for hummingbirds. Splash your favorite colors on narrow PVC pipes and hang these decorative feeders on trees. Birds will surely be attracted soon to their new feed station.
Directions: Bird Feeder from PVC Pipes
Learn how to use old PVC pipes to make simple and easy to install bird feeders. The linked tutorial explains step-by-step instructions which help you to make one in no time.
Squirrel Proof PVC Bird Feeder
Keeping the squirrels away from the feeder can bring the birds back to your yard. The slippery surface of the PVC pipe stops the squirrels getting a grip.
Free PVC Bird Feeder Plans
PVC Bird Feeder Pole Instructions
These non-traditional birdhouses are fun to build and display to feed birds with food in your backyard or lawn. If you don’t have much space you can install the post in the corners of the trees.
DIY Recycled PVC Bird Feeder Designs
A feasible way of eliminating food waste without any additional cost from an easy do-it-yourself project.
PVC Weather Proof Bird Feeder using Frisbee
Turn basic into beautiful with this bird feeder idea for your winged buddies. This tutorial will show how to make a gravity feed bird feeder from some salvaged PVC pipe, cheap and forgotten frisbee, and a few PVC plumbing fixtures.
Gravity Fed Poultry Feeder
This feeder is a great one for ducks and chickens. It’s simple and very easy to make. You need about a 10-foot PVC pipe for this and the steps can be finished with 10 minutes.
Ways to Build a Chicken Bird Feeder
These bird feeders are ideal for a countryside home and have been designed in such a way that the poultry birds (chicken, duck) can have the food easily.
Unique PVC Tube Bird Feeder (Horizontal)
All you need is a hollow PVC cutout and tie it to a tree branch. The design is simple to make and offers an easy entry for birds from both sides. Since it is a highly unstable structure make it difficult for squirrels to hang around.
Build a Large PVC Bird Feeder Stand
PVC Telescoping Bird Feeder Tutorial
Making Bird Feeder Pole from PVC Pipe
How to Build “Flexi-Perch” Bird Feeder from PVC Pipe within $10
Make this PVC pipe bird feeder which is an inexpensive, easy-to-build, and effective squirrel-proof birdfeeder. Hang it outdoors in your backyard or garden and enjoy watching your feathered friends a great time. The linked tutorial is by Billr on Instructables.
Free DIY Bird Feeder from PVC Pipe
Ideas to Build a Long PVC Bird Feeder For Humming Birds
How to Make PVC Gravity Bird Feeders
Build a PVC Bird House/Feeder Project
Here’s how to build a simple shed roof birdhouse. All you need are a short length of 4-inch PVC pipe and a 2-foot-long, 1-inch-by-6-inch cedar board, both available at home centers.
Try being close to nature and birds with these bird feeders. You can enjoy bird watching with kids and have a great time. You can place or hang them in your balcony if you don’t have a garden.
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