Top 10 Paracord Grenade DIYs, Patterns & Tutorials

If you are stranded in the middle of the forest, then the survival grenade could be the best survival tool to your rescue. It is a package filled with essential survival tools like a knife, a flashlight, matches, a compass, fishing hooks, a flint striker, and more, all packed within a ball that’s wrapped up with 50 feet of paracord. Everything is bundled up to look like a grenade, along with a key-chain ring made to look like the grenade pin. Making a paracord grenade is easy and quite affordable too.
Compilation of How to Make DIY Paracord Grenade Tutorials with Instructions
DIY Paracord Grenade
You will need some 10 feet of 55o paracord to make this survival gear. However, it is always recommended to use more paracord. Carabiners can be replaced with keyrings but the former is more durable and helpful. A quick tutorial which shows a neat way to store paracord using the three-layer cobra knot keychain technique.
Paracord Survival Grenade: How to Make
A survival grenade contains tons of different survival tools which are useful in emergency situations. You just need to pull the pin to gain access to the tools inside it in tactical situations. Have a look at the supplies and tools mentioned in the list and get started with your paracord grenade now.
Make Your Own: Paracord Grenade Survival Kit
This is quite an easy grenade which is ready quickly. Your survival kit for trekking, hunting, and camping. You can choose the tools to be kept inside as per your preference.
Paracord Germ Grenade: Tutorial
The Paracord Germ Grenade is a hand sanitizer bottle wrapped with paracord and a carabiner. The knot and wrapping technique can be adapted to some hand lotion bottles or any other items you use frequently that you want to keep close at hand. Follow the simple instructions to make your hand germ grenade made of paracord.
How to Make a Paracord M67 Grenade Tutorial
If you work, camp, hike, or play outdoors, this paracord grenade is a must-have addition to your toolkit, backpack, or keychain. The mini paracord hand grenade uses the monkey fist knot and is compact and lightweight, strong, durable, and portable too.
Directions to Make: Paracord Grenade Key Chain/Fob
You can use them as fishing grenade kits too. Just wrap your paracord, compass, carabiner, fire starter, cotton tinder, eye knife, fishing line, hooks, swivels, floaters, and sinkers and get ready for fishing.
Easy Paracord Grenade Pattern
The versatility and durability of a parachute grenade are unparalleled. You can customize it to your needs and get creative and add layers of paracord depending on your outdoor activity.
Free Paracord Survival Grenade Tutorial
You can add carabiners too and make it a quick deploy paracord grenade. This cool handmade paracord project too is surely going to get you compliments.
DIY Paracord Survival Grenade Instructions
M 550 Pro Paracord Survival Grenade
Have you tried making these yourself? What did you put in them? How did they turn out? Share your cool projects here with us.
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