15 DIY Newspaper Flowers Tutorials

Having a short shelf life newspaper might seem useful only for one day. Newspapers can be easily reused and made into hats, baskets, and flowers too. Let’s see some creative DIYs to make flowers our of newspaper, finally, a use for the “junk mail” newspapers and magazines that come through the door. They may not smell like the original ones but you can attach them to our headbands, barrettes, make costumes or make large flowers as centerpieces. Click on the following linked tutorials to open a whole new world of pulchritudinous flowers.
How to Make Newspaper Flowers – DIY Tutorials
How to Make Newspaper Roses Flowers
Handmade paper flowers fashioned from newspaper are a frugal alternative to store-bought bows, ribbons to adorn your gifts. With the simple use of supplies like a newspaper, tape, and scissors you can make these beautiful roses. Create the base and with it cut the different petals and stick them together. Embellish and color them by using a coffee pad or tea bag to give it a vintage look.
Rolled Newspaper Flowers DIY
This link provides an easy way to make interesting patterns for roses. Just cut spirals and roll it up to the stick. You can use different colors to give it a nice touch to create an artificial garden or keep it as it is to give a rustic touch to the look.
Beautiful Newspaper Flower Instructions
You can recycle not only newspapers but any kind or paper waste to create flowers. This extra element will create a perfect bouquet of artificial flowers for your work desk.
Make Newspaper Roses at Home
This detailed newspaper rose tutorial is easy to follow and gives an almost real look. Use green papers to add leaves to finish the set.
Newspaper Flower Bouquet Tutorials
This tutorial is relatively different from the above. Use strips of different sizes to create loops and bind then together with brads. Create a layered flower with different hues.
Gorgeous Flowers Made with Recycled Newspaper
Make these insanely easy flowers by cutting the newspapers and crushing them. Use a variety of papers to create different hues of flowers and maybe use them as a decorative piece for your wall or cupboard or you can stick them on wrapped presents in lieu of a bow. Adding colorful buttons will make it look prettier and add a charm to your piece.
Unique Kusudama Newspaper Flowers Tutorial
The beautiful art of Kusudama from Japan helps create these different and intriguing flowers. Add some long sticks and put it in a vase for a perfect item to decorate the room with.
Easy Handmade Newspaper Daisies (Youtube Tutorial)
It’s amazing how with one newspaper you can make a variety of flowers. Just by using a 30 cm long newspaper strip you can make these little daisies and use paint to make it more colorful. Use them as a decorative ornament for a book cover.
Adorable Newspaper and Tissue Flowers Tutorial
Recycling never hurts. You can mix newspapers, crepe papers or colorful tissue papers and make these large fluffy flowers as a side table showpiece. Add a
Easy Flowers Made from Newspapers
Flowers are incomplete without colors. Splash, stroke or spray paint the flowers for a more vibrant look and creative outcome. Arrange and paste them to a board for your craft corner or frame it and hang it for the visitors to admire.
Newspaper Flower with Pushpins
Let your craft stand out. Use different shapes and sizes of newspaper cuttings to make interesting patterns of flowers.
Instructions to Make Newspaper Flower
The ombre effect of the colored edges of the petals and with the beautiful gem added in the center give it a stunning look.
How to Make Rolled Newspaper Roses Decor
Elegant Wedding Bouquet from Newspapers
How to Make a Newspaper Flower Wreath
Twist and turn the newspaper strips to make small and large roses to be arranged together on cardboard to make this simple yet elegant flower wreath and use them on special occasions.
These simple ideas not only help recycle but also brings out the creative side. The flowers can be used in a variety of ways to decorate the house, parties, or workspace. I hope the above ideas have interested you to grab the waste and make something beautiful out of it.
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