12 DIY Mason Jar Aquarium Ideas for Kids

Aquariums add an interesting addition to your interiors in-home or office. But maintaining real fishes can be an expensive and time-consuming affair. If you have kids who ask for a new pet repeatedly, then a fun alternative is to set up a fake aquarium. Mason jar aquariums will give you the look you want without the work or the responsibility of keeping live creatures healthy. This DIY project is a fun craft for kids, who can use their creativity to make small realistic fish tanks with mason jars.
Also See: How to Make Your Own Fish Tank Coffee Table
Supplies needed for the project;
- Mason Jars with metal lids, Plastic Mason Jars for young kids.
- Food Color, Glitters, Glycerine
- Toy Fishes, Plastic plants
- Aquarium gravel/stones
- Water
How to Make Mason Jar Toy Fish Tank at Home
*Note: This mason jar aquarium is not suitable for live fish or animals. It’s for pretend play only.
Mason Jar Aquarium DIY
Make these cute real looking aquariums by adding small pebble rocks, plastic plants, toy animals to a mason jar of blue water. You need some simple supplies like a mason jar (whatever size you like), toy fish, blue food color for the water, and other embellishments like glitters, stones, etc. Kids will love to make this mini aquarium and keep them on their bedside. They will love taking care of their fish without the fuss!
Faux Mason Jar Aquarium for Kids
This colorful little mason jar aquarium is a budget-friendly and cute addition to your kid’s bookshelf. It’s easy to make a craft with no maintenance being the plus point. This linked tutorial has some used mermaid figurines, faux animal, etc. added to the jar, you can add any faux fishes, animals as per your discretion. These handmade jars will make perfect party favors for kids theme birthday parties.
How to Make Aquarium from Mason Jar
A little food coloring, shells, gravel, and sea creatures and corals is everything you need to make your own aquarium in a mason jar.
Homemade Mason Jar Fish Tank Craft
Fake Mason Jar Sea Aquarium/ Fish Tank
Kids will love making this magnificent mason jar sea aquarium on their own. This tutorial has added sea-shells, stones. a tiny starfish, some sea animals, and some plants to give it the perfect underwater effect. You can pain the lid of the jar and customize it with names when used as giveaways or party favors.
DIY Mason Jar Aquarium Lampshade for Kids
With just a few basic supplies you can create a real looking, DIY fish aquarium lamp. Create a beautiful marine terrarium bottled in a mason jar and decorate it with plants and aquatic fishes. Once the jar is ready, placing the lamp adapter to it is easy, as explained in the directions of the linked tutorial. The fun part is the fishes jiggle, and are moving every time you move the lamp giving it a real effect.
DIY Lego Mason Jar Aquarium
A unique cool Lego-themed mason jar aquariums to add some decoration to a room. You need a lego mini-figure for this project. Even without the fishes, this will excite your kids when making one.
Light Up Mini Aquarium Mason Jar Tutorials
Make this cute faux aquarium where u don’t have to worry about the fishes dying. This craft is easy to make and there is no maintenance required. You can customize them with “treasures” such as gems, seashells, small pebbles, glitter and gold coins!
DIY Aquarium – Artificial Fsh Tank (Youtube Tutorial)
Make this fun craft project! It’s easy and fast so the kids can also have a go at this! It makes such a nice child’s room decor or a desktop ornament. Add some sand at the bottom and your favorite sea creatures and get crafting!
How to Make Under the Sea Snow Globe Aquariums
If you are planning an “Under the Sea” themed party for your kids then this is the perfect mason jar craft for you. All you need is empty baby jars prepped for the project with few small sea creatures. They will make great party favors at the most reasonable prices.
How to make an Aquarium In A Jar
This cool aquairum really livens up the room. A good idea for someone’s office desk, window seal or a kids room
Mini Jello Aquariums for Kids (DeSsert)
This easy dessert recipe is inspired by Disney Pixar’s Finding Dory. Make this yummy mini jello aquarium, as inspired by Dory and her under the sea friends! These desserts are yummy, super easy (and super fun) to make.
Even without a real fish, these aquariums and mini fish tanks are cool to look at and are good decoration for your room. I hope you have fun making yours, do share your creations with us.
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