Tag: Bird Feeders

We have explored in earlier posts how to make bird feeders from old wine bottles, milk jugs, pine cones and more. Now let’s see how to build interesting designs for bird feeders from PVC pipes.
DIYs on How to Make Bird Feeder Out of PVC Pipe
PVC Bird Feeder
The linked tutorial has made two similar bird feeders with different dimensions. They are shaped like a mailbox for a newspaper (horizontal pipe) and one which looks like a common birdhouse (vertical pipe with a small roof). Paint it with colors of your choice to add a spring touch to your garden.
Homemade PVC Pipe Bird Feeder
Now just find a tree branch to hang it on with some string and you’re set to feed some birds. You will need plastic dishes the support the PVC pipe from the top and bottom. The bottom one holds the birds feed.
DIY Hanging PVC Bird Feeder
You can make a small-sized feeder if you want. Selecting the right location for a feeder is critical to preventing unwanted animals (raccoons, squirrels, rodents) from accessing the food and damaging the feeder.
How to Make PVC Pipe Bird Feeder
Add some color and creative element in your garden/backyard with these cute little handmade birdfeeders for hummingbirds. Splash your favorite colors on narrow PVC pipes and hang these decorative feeders on trees. Birds will surely be attracted soon to their new feed station.
Directions: Bird Feeder from PVC Pipes
Learn how to use old PVC pipes to make simple and easy to install bird feeders. The linked tutorial explains step-by-step instructions which help you to make one in no time.
Squirrel Proof PVC Bird Feeder
Keeping the squirrels away from the feeder can bring the birds back to your yard. The slippery surface of the PVC pipe stops the squirrels getting a grip.
Free PVC Bird Feeder Plans
PVC Bird Feeder Pole Instructions
These non-traditional birdhouses are fun to build and display to feed birds with food in your backyard or lawn. If you don’t have much space you can install the post in the corners of the trees.
DIY Recycled PVC Bird Feeder Designs
A feasible way of eliminating food waste without any additional cost from an easy do-it-yourself project.
PVC Weather Proof Bird Feeder using Frisbee
Turn basic into beautiful with this bird feeder idea for your winged buddies. This tutorial will show how to make a gravity feed bird feeder from some salvaged PVC pipe, cheap and forgotten frisbee, and a few PVC plumbing fixtures.
Gravity Fed Poultry Feeder
This feeder is a great one for ducks and chickens. It’s simple and very easy to make. You need about a 10-foot PVC pipe for this and the steps can be finished with 10 minutes.
Ways to Build a Chicken Bird Feeder
These bird feeders are ideal for a countryside home and have been designed in such a way that the poultry birds (chicken, duck) can have the food easily.
Unique PVC Tube Bird Feeder (Horizontal)
All you need is a hollow PVC cutout and tie it to a tree branch. The design is simple to make and offers an easy entry for birds from both sides. Since it is a highly unstable structure make it difficult for squirrels to hang around.
Build a Large PVC Bird Feeder Stand
PVC Telescoping Bird Feeder Tutorial
Making Bird Feeder Pole from PVC Pipe
How to Build “Flexi-Perch” Bird Feeder from PVC Pipe within $10
Make this PVC pipe bird feeder which is an inexpensive, easy-to-build, and effective squirrel-proof birdfeeder. Hang it outdoors in your backyard or garden and enjoy watching your feathered friends a great time. The linked tutorial is by Billr on Instructables.
Free DIY Bird Feeder from PVC Pipe
Ideas to Build a Long PVC Bird Feeder For Humming Birds
How to Make PVC Gravity Bird Feeders
Build a PVC Bird House/Feeder Project
Here’s how to build a simple shed roof birdhouse. All you need are a short length of 4-inch PVC pipe and a 2-foot-long, 1-inch-by-6-inch cedar board, both available at home centers.
Try being close to nature and birds with these bird feeders. You can enjoy bird watching with kids and have a great time. You can place or hang them in your balcony if you don’t have a garden.

Wine bottle crafts are in rage these days. You can re-purpose them into useful projects. One of the best ways to attract birds into the garden is to feed them, and feeding them is equally essential during the harsh winter months. We have put a compilation of some tutorials which shows you to make a wine bottle bird feeder with it.
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How to Make Recycled DIY Wine Bottle Bird Feeders Tutorials
Wine Bottle Bird Feeders DIY
Make a DIY bird feeder and attract beautiful birds to your backyard. This is the clear glass bottle feeder that hangs in the front yard. The hummingbirds love it and you will enjoy watching them.
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Easy Wine Bottle Bird Feeder Tutorial
Upcycle Craft: Wine Bottle Bird Feeder
A few years back I upscaled my wine bottle bird feeder to include feeder ports that are incorporated into the bottle. This glass bottle feeder requires drilling 2 – 4 holes into a bottle – which would be very difficult to do without a drill press…
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How to Make Bird Feeders from Wine Bottles
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Paracord Wine Bottle Bird Feeders Tutorial
A unique combination of wine bottle craft, wood project, and paracord! A great sturdy design to feed birds with their birdy treats! Have fun in your backyard with your feathered pals chirping this summer all around!
Directions to Make Fish Shaped Wine Bottle Bird Feeder
Learn how you can make an attractive nautical bird feeder from recycled wine bottles and wood. All you need is a tree, a bottle, a PVC fence post top a jigsaw, heat gun and a little wire. This interesting nautical bird feeder is perfect for any waterfront, or beach decor.
Make Wine Bottle Bird Feeder for Hummingbird
If you want you can add some bling by using glass paint to apply flowers or other decorations on the outside of the bottle before you fill it.
DIY: Bird Feeders with Wine Bottle
Homemade Wine Bottle Bird Feeder
Attract hummingbirds to your garden by creating this homemade hummingbird feeder from a glass bottle and some copper wire. Hummingbird feeders are not only useful for little birdies but also can become a beautiful garden decoration.
Wine Bottle Bird Feeders: Upside Down
Give an old wine bottle new life by turning it into unique bird feeders for your patio or yard.
Wine Bottle Glass Bird Feeders Plan
They have used some scrapped cedar and a single 1x2x8′ cedar board and a wine bottle to make this pretty awesome bird feeder. You can easily slide out the bottle to refill it with bird feeds.
Double Wine Bottle Bird Feeder Project
Try making this new design that has a double wine bottle for a hanging bird feeder. The one in the tutorial is hung from a rope, that hangs from a tree, patio or roof edge.
Wine Bottle Bird Seed Feeder
Free Wine Bottle Bird Feeder Plans
Youtube Wine Bottle Bird Feeder DIY
Pallet Wine Bottle Bird Feeders
Enjoy your bird feeder! It may take up to several weeks for birds to find it.

Re-purposing your old, unused stuff is a creative way to protect our planet, and create a fun and fairly inexpensive project with your kids. Making Milk Jug Bird Feeder is a great craft idea for this holidays! Birds will flock to your yard when they find this bird feeder full of yummy seeds and cheerios. Time to make interesting bird treat house with these easy tutorials with step-by-step instructions.
Compilation of Different Ways to Make Bird Feeder from Milk Jug
How to Make Milk Jug Bird Feeder
Making your own bird feeders is an easy and fun craft for adults and kids as well. Kid’s will love to see the birds sit and chirp in their backyard. Re-purposing unused milk jugs can be interesting and unique DIY Ideas for holidays!
Milk Jug Bird Feeder DIY
With the onset of summers lets your backyard buzz with birds chirping. Recycling old milk jugs (Gallon Jugs) and turning them into bird feeders is a great idea! It’s simple to make and interesting for all bird lovers! Hang them around your garden and enjoy bird watching!
Recycled Milk Jug Bird Feeder
Hanging bird feeders made from old milk jugs in your garden or yard can be a fun craft to teach your kids to go green and importance of re-purposing old stuff. You can decorate them as you like.
Directions to Make Milk Jug Bird Feeder
Using a masking tape will smoothen the edges and also give the bird feeder a bright look. Use a twine or a strong rope to hang it to a tree. Follow the tutorial and get detailed directions to make this amazing craft!
How to Build a Milk Jug Bird Feeder
All you need to do is, cut out a large hole in your old milk jug and hang it around for your feathered friends. A super easy craft idea to feed birds during winters when finding food for them is a daunting task.
Instructions to Make Milk Jug Bird Feeder
If you are running out of ideas how to use your stacked milk jugs, time to create some recycled crafts. Kill your boredom with some useful craft making your own bird feeders with simple instructions.
Homemade Milk Jug Bird Feeder
Make this easy plastic bird feeders from milk jugs and paint them beautifully to give it a creative touch. You can decorate it with sticking twigs or small sticks for a rustic touch. The bright colored bird feeder will attract birds easily.
Bird Feeder with Milk Jug Tutorial
Make a wonderful treat-house for your birdie friends this summer! A simple to make crafting idea for kids and family. Adding a twig or stick at the bottom will make it easy for the birds to sit on it and eat!
Make Bird Feeder from Mc Donald’s Milk Jug
DIY Milk Jug Bird Feeder: How to Decorate
Plastic Milk Jug Bird Feeder Craft
Gallon Milk Jug Bird Feeder
Recycled birdhouses make great crafts to overcome your boredom. Try making this unique and creative design to make it look interesting and enjoy your bird watching.
How to Build a Bird Feeder Out of a Milk Jug
Make 4L Milk Jug Bird Feeder: Step-by-Step Instructions
Download Milk Jug Bird Feeder PDF Instructions (Free Download)
Take a craft knife and cut out two neat circles on the opposite walls of the milk jug. Use a hanger to hang it outside your window or outdoors on the porch.
How to Make a Homemade Bird Feeder out of a Milk Jug
Make Bird Feeder With Plastic Milk Jar

Pine Cone Bird Feeder made at home attract a variety of wild birds to your yard and garden. As cooler temperatures approach, many warm-blooded creatures pack on the pounds. For wildlife, this is often critical for surviving the colder winter months. So let’s treat our feathered friends with some handmade feeder with pine cone and bird seeds tossed in peanut butter or lard or other interesting available supplies. Since February is National Bird Feeding month lets make this super easy craft, which is very educational for kids too!
Collection of How to Make DIY Pine Cone Bird Feeder Tutorials with Step-by-Step Instructions
Pine Cone Bird Feeder DIY
Pines cones make a wonderful base to make homemade bird feeders. Add some peanut butter and some good quality bird seed mix and hang it in your garden or yard! A wonderful treat for birds this winter!
Pine Cone Bird Feeder Craft for Children
Let kids decorate small pine cones with bird seeds and hang them outdoors for the birdies! This project is quick and easy and is sure to attract several different species of birds to your window.
Pine Cone Bird Feeder Ideas
Hang your pinecone at the end of a smaller branch so squirrels don’t get it.
How to Make Pine Cone Bird Feeders with Suet
Consider making these easy to assemble pine cone suet feeders to help your bird-neighbors survive the cold winter. For birds to access and feed on nutrient-rich, fat-laden nuts, seeds, and even straight-up animal fat means a lot!
Make Pine Cone Bird Feeder Butter with Vegetable Shortening
Make pine cone bird feeders with vegetable shortening if peanut butter is not available.
How to Make Bird Feeders Out of Pine Cones with Syrup
Make Pine Cone Bird Feeder Using Honey
Some bird lovers are allergic or allergy-prone to birds! Even if you can’t pet them, you can always treat them with great homemade birdfeeder made from a pine cone and bird seeds!
Instructions to Make Pine Cone Bird Feeder with Lard
Make a haven for pretty birds in your backyard using simple ingredients like the natural pine cone, lard, twine or string and some bird seeds. It’s a very affordable craft which can be made easily at home!
Directions to Make Pine Cone Bird Feeder: Step-by-Step
Recipe for Giant Pine Cone Bird Feeder
Brilliant ideas to make impressive looking bird feeders which are large in size! You get great satisfaction when you watch wild birds eat your handiwork.
Hanging Pine Cone Bird Feeder with Oatmeal Tutorial
Oats make lovely bird feeders! You can use cornmeal as an alternative if oatmeal is not available!
Pine Cone Bird Feeder Craft for Pre-School
A simple project for kids and toddlers this holiday season! It’s fun to watch birds chirping and coming to your garden on these hanging bird feeders! An easy-peasy fun craft for kids!
Make Pine Cone Bird Feeder with Cereal or Cheerios
Repurpose your leftover cereals or cheerios and make this wonderful 5-minute craft on a Sunday morning.
Make Your Own Pine Cone Bird Feeder
Pine Cone Bird Feeders: Fun Tutorial for Children
Make Pine Cone Bird Feeders Without Peanut Butter
Cub Scouts, Brownies, and other kid’s groups make bird feeding projects too. If any of the children in the group has a peanut allergy, they simply substitute suet for peanut butter.
Make Bird Feeders from Pine Cone using Crisco
Let children put their efforts and time into making this interesting birdfeeder as their autumn craft!
Directions to Make Pine Cone Feeders for Birds
Cool DIY Pine Cone Bird Feeder Ideas
Create cool and unique bird feeders and recycle fallen pine cones this fall season!
Bird Feeder from Pine Cone: 5 Minute Craft Idea

Crunchy cheerio, the little breakfast rings are your kids’ favorite meal to wake up to. But Cheerios are a wonderful treat for your feathered friends too. Birds love snacking on cheerios of all kinds. Try making some amazing Cheerio Bird Feeder designs and hang them around your garden, backyard or windows and enjoy bird watching.
Happy snacking little birdies!
Ways to Make Fun Cheerio DIY Bird Feeder
DIY Cheerio Bird Feeder Idea
Try making an amazing birdfeeder with cheerios, pinecone, peanut butter, and birdseed for your feathered friends. They will now have a variety of food to choose from and a perfect perch to rest on while they snack.
Cheerio Feeder Instructions
Feeding birds is a great feeling, for kids and adults. This is easy to make a bird feeder with cereals and cheerio. Make this simple craft with kids, who love watching birds eat from handmade bird feeders.
Cheerio Pipe Cleaner Bird Feeder Craft
Some Cheerios and ribbons threaded in pipe cleaners can make some amazing cheerio craft! Follow the instructions and make Valentine themed feeders and sen love messages to your caged or free birds.
Recipe for Cheerios Bird Feeder with Pipe Cleaner
Make this amazing cone-shaped bird feeder with Cheerios for your lovely winged friends. An ideal quick craft for kids this Christmas!
DIY Cheerio Bird Feeders: How to Make
With some easily available supplies for this cheerio craft, you can make these no-mess bird feeders with pipe cleaners and Cheerios..that’s it! Turn and twist the pipe cleaners in wonderful shapes to go creative with bird feeding around your backyard.
Cheerio Heart Bird Feeder
Make this fun and a creative bird feeder with cheerio and blueberries in different shapes and treat the birds in your garden or backyards!
Easy Cheerio DIY Bird Feeder for Kids
A fun cheerio craft for kids which can be made quickly. In this tutorial, the Cheerios are threaded onto pipe cleaners and wooden craft sticks and given different shapes and hung to the trees! Wish the birds start coming soon and feed themselves with some yummy cheerio.
Quick Cheerio Bird Feeder Craft for Toddlers (Pre-School)
Make Cool Hanging Cheerio Bird Feeder
Make interesting and unique designs for bird feeders with cheerios. You can make them into any shape you want.
How to Make a Cheerio Bird Feeder: Easy DIY
Hang these pretty birdfeeders from a tree, bush, hook- anywhere outside that you think your birds might like to eat. It may take a little while for the birds to find them, but they will be happy chirpers when they do!
Make Your Own Cheerio Bird Feeder for Garden
Hang your handmade cheerio creations on the tree and enjoy watching the birds snack on it.
Creative Cheerio Bird Feeder Craft
Explore some interesting designs and recycle some cardboards and create amazing bird feeder designs with cereals and cheerio for your feathered friends! They look amazing when hanging and will surely attract a flock of birds for a great treat!
Fun Cheerio Bird Feeder Project
Cheerios Bird Feeder
Children love making these unique birdfeeders. You can hang it around your garden or window and enjoy watching birds snacking on them!
Free Bird Feeder from Cheerios PDF Download
Cheerios Cross Bird Feeder